SAB Choir and Piano Accompaniment Sheet Music
Christian Style
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
by Jonas Myrin and Matt Redman
Agnus Dei with How Great Thou Art
by Michael W. Smith, Traditional Swedish and Stuart K. Hine
performed by Joel Raney
Agnus Dei: from Requiem
by Michael Hoppé
Alleluia, He Lives!
by Joel Raney, Ludwig Van Beethoven and Christopher Wordsworth
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
by John Newton, Edwin Othello Excell, Louie Giglio,
Chris Tomlin and John P. Rees
And the Glory of the Lord: (from Messiah)
by George Frideric Handel
performed by Hal H. Hopson
The Angel Rolled the Stone Away
by Traditional
performed by Wilfried Fischer
As the Deer
by Martin J. Nystrom
performed by Lloyd Larson
Ashes to Ashes
by Dan Schutte and Liturgical
At His Name
by Joel Raney
Ave Maria Op. 52, No. 6
by Franz Schubert and Traditional Catholic Prayer
Because He Lives
by William J. Gaither and Gloria Gaither
performed by Jack Schrader
Behold the Savior of Mankind
by Wes Cameron and Samuel Wesley
by Laura Story
Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)
by Chris Eaton and Amy Grant
By Faith
by Stuart Townend, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty,
William M. Runyan and Thomas Obadiah Chisholm
performed by Lloyd Larson
Chain Breaker
by Zach Williams, Jonathan Smith and Mia Fieldes
Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed
by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Ed Cash
performed by Keith & Kristyn Getty
Come As You Are
by Chip Davis, Reba Rambo-McGuire and Marcia B. Henry
performed by Mark Lowry
Come Taste the Goodness of the Lord
by Joseph M. Martin
Come to the Light: (A Celtic Advent Song)
by Joseph M. Martin
Come, Come, Emmanuel
by Joel Raney
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
by Joel Raney and Henry Alford
by Eric Liljero, Reuben Morgan, Jonas Myrin and Edward Mote
performed by Lloyd Larson
The Coventry Carol
by Traditional English Carol, Traditional and Robert Croo
performed by Mark Hayes
Creation Sings
by Stuart Townend, Kristyn Getty and Keith Getty
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?
by African American Folk Song
performed by Wilfried Fischer
Down by the Riverside (with Standing in the Need of Prayer)
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Mary McDonald
Down to the River to Pray (with Lord, Listen to Your Children)
by Spiritual and Ken Medema
performed by Mary McDonald
by Dan Davison
Entrance into Jerusalem: An Introit for Palm Sunday
by Wes Cameron
Eye of the Storm
by Bryan Fowler and Ryan Stevenson
by Joel Raney and Thomas Obadiah Chisholm
Festival Sanctus
by John Leavitt
Fill Me Up
by Jared Anderson and Don Poythress
For the Fruit of All Creation
by Welsh Melody and Fred Pratt Green
performed by Mark Hayes
Free at Last
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
Gaelic Blessing
by Philip Lawson and Traditional Irish
Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)
by Mark Hall and Michael Bleecker
performed by Casting Crowns
Glory to God in the Highest
by Jay Althouse
God Almighty Is!
by Mary McDonald
God Almighty Is! [Introit]
by Mary McDonald
God Is Our Refuge
by Allen Pote and Jay Johnson
God of Grace and God of Glory
by John Hughes and Harry Emerson Fosdick
performed by Garrett Breeze
God, and God Alone
by Joel Raney
A Gospel Alleluia
by Joel Raney and Fred Pratt Green
Great Day
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
by William M. Runyan and Thomas Obadiah Chisholm
performed by Mary McDonald
Guide My Feet, Lord
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by John Carter
Hallelujah! Praise Ye the Lord!
by Traditional
performed by Wilfried Fischer
He Never Said a Mumblin' Word
by Traditional
performed by Wilfried Fischer
He Reigns
by Steven Taylor and Peter Furler
performed by Newsboys
He's Always Been Faithful
by Thomas Obadiah Chisholm, William M. Runyan and Sara Groves
performed by Lloyd Larson
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
Holy Manna
by Traditional, George Atkins and Joel Raney
Hosanna Processional
by Joseph M. Martin
How Beautiful
by Twila Paris
How Can I Keep from Singing
by Ed Cash, Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman
performed by Mary McDonald
How Great Thou Art
by Stuart K. Hine and Traditional Swedish
Hurry, Shepherds, Run!
by Douglas E. Wagner and Charlotte Lee
Hymn of Promise
by Natalie Sleeth
I Will Be with You
by Joel Raney and Isaiah 43
I'll Fly Away
by Albert E. Brumley
performed by Joel Raney
I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
by Carrie E. Rounsefell and Mary Brown
performed by Garrett Breeze
I'm Gonna Sing
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
If You Love Me
by Joel Raney
In Christ Alone
by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend
performed by David Angerman
In Christ Alone (with Cornerstone)
by Keith Getty, Stuart Townend, Reuben Morgan, Eric Liljero,
Jonas Myrin and Edward Mote
performed by Joel Raney
In the Name of the Lord
by Sandi Patty, Gloria Gaither and Phill McHugh
It's a Birthday
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
by Chris Tomlin and Ed Cash
performed by Chris Tomlin
Jesus Died Alone
by Joel Raney and John Parker
Jesus Is Lord
by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty
performed by Mary McDonald
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Victor C. Johnson
Jesus, the Light of the World
by George D. Elderkin and Charles Wesley
performed by Lloyd Larson
Joy in the Morning
by Natalie Sleeth
Just a Closer Walk with Thee
by Traditional
performed by Wilfried Fischer
Just As I Am
by William Batchelder Bradbury, Charlotte Elliott,
Travis Cottrell, Sue Smith and David Moffitt
Just As I Am, I Come
by Mary McDonald and Charlotte Elliott
King of Kings (unter Verwendung des Spirituals "Children, Go Where I Send Thee")
by Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
by Richard Page, John Lang and Steve George
performed by Kirby Shaw
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
by Anthony J. Showalter and Elisha Albright Hoffman
performed by Joel Raney
Let the Church Say Amen
by Andraé Crouch
Let There Be Peace on Earth
by Sy Miller and Jill Jackson
performed by Keith Christopher
Let Your Light Shine
by Mary McDonald
Light of the World
by Lauren Daigle, Paul Mabury and Paul Duncan
Lord, I Want to Be a Christian
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
Lord, Lord, Lord
by Traditional
performed by Wilfried Fischer
Make This Church a Welcome Place
by Joel Raney and J. Paul Williams
Mary, Did You Know?
by Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene
performed by Pentatonix
Mary, Don't You Weep
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Mary McDonald
Mercy Tree
by Michael Neale and Krissy Nordhoff
performed by Lacey Sturm
My God Is a Rock
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Ruth Morris Gray
My Lord, He Is a Comin' Soon
by Laura Winnen and Jeff Cothran
performed by Patti Drennan
My Lord, What a Mourning
by African-American Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
by African-American Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
Not Ashamed
by David Moore and Ryan Edgar
O God Beyond All Praising
by Gustav T. Holst and Michael Perry
performed by Mark Hayes
One Day Soon, We'll See Jesus (with Soon and Very Soon)
by Mary McDonald
One Little Heartbeat at a Time
by Steven Curtis Chapman
One Small Child
by David Meece
performed by Mark Hayes
Only Hope
by Jonathan Foreman
performed by Mandy Moore
by Patricia Mock
People Need the Lord
by Greg Nelson and Phill McHugh
performed by Mary McDonald
The Perfect Wisdom of Our God
by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty
performed by Lloyd Larson
Pray for the People
by Pepper Choplin
Prepare the Way
by Brad Croushorn
Prepare the Way of the Lord
by William P. Rowan and Traditional
by Nicole C. Mullen
performed by Heather Sorenson
Remember, Remember Me
by Jack Schrader
Revelation 19
by A. Jeffrey Lavalley
performed by Mark Hayes
Revelation Song
by Jennie Lee Riddle
performed by Lloyd Larson
Rock of Ages
by James Ward and Augustus M. Toplady
Shepherd Me, O God
by Marty Haugen and Psalm 23
performed by Mark Hayes
Silent Night
by Franz Gruber and Joseph Mohr
performed by Selah
Siyahamba: (Denn wir wandeln im Lichte des Herrn)
by Traditional South African and Traditional African
performed by Wilfried Fischer
Soon and Very Soon
by Andraé Crouch
Speak, O Lord
by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend
performed by Lloyd Larson
Stand by Me
by Charles Tindley
performed by Larry Shackley
Stand Up!
by Charles Tindley, R. Kelso Carter,
Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, Traditional Spiritual,
George J Webb, William Batchelder Bradbury, George Duffield
and Edward Mote
performed by Joel Raney
Still, Still, Still
by Traditional German Carol and Jack Schrader
Take It to the Lord in Prayer: (What a Friend We Have in Jesus with Just a Little Talk with Jesus)
by Charles C. Converse, Cleavant Derricks and Joseph M. Scriven
performed by Joel Raney
There's a Balm in Gilead: (Der Balsamstrauch)
by Traditional Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy
by Mary McDonald and Frederick William Faber
These Alone Are Enough
by Dan Schutte and Ignatius of Loyola
Think of Me and Remember
by Joel Raney
This Is Amazing Grace
by Jeremy Riddle, Josh Farro and Phil Wickham
performed by Lloyd Larson
Total Praise
by Richard Smallwood
performed by Joel Raney
Trust in You
by Lauren Daigle, Michael Farren and Paul Mabury
Voice of Truth
by Steven Curtis Chapman and Mark Hall
performed by Casting Crowns
Waiting Here for You
by Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves and Martin Smith
performed by Passion
Walkin' to Jordan
by Jay Althouse
We Are One in the Lord
by Joseph M. Martin
We Fall Down
by Chris Tomlin
performed by Lloyd Larson
We Fall Down (with Crown Him with Many Crowns
by George Job Elvey, Chris Tomlin, Matthew Bridges
and Godfrey Thring
performed by John Purifoy
We Three Kings of Orient Are
by John Henry Hopkins Jr.
performed by John Leavitt
Were You There?
by African-American Spiritual
performed by Wilfried Fischer
What a Friend
by Mary McDonald and Joseph M. Scriven
Who Am I
by Mark Hall
performed by Casting Crowns
The Wind Beneath My Wings [with opt. worship lyrics]
by Jeff Silbar and Larry Henley
performed by Bette Midler
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023