Trumpet and Piano Accompaniment Sheet Music
Title Index
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# A [B] C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Titles beginning with the letter B:
Baby Face - Trumpet & Piano
by Harry Akst and Benny Davis
performed by Jonathon Robbins
Ballad - Trumpet & Piano
by Keith Snell
Ballad in Blue - Trumpet & Piano: (Tone Poem)
by Robert Girlarno
Be Happy - Trumpet & Piano
by Christian Medice, Joseph Kirkland, Samantha DeRosa
and Billy Mann
performed by Tomaz Nedoh
by Oskar Cartaya
Believe - Trumpet & Piano: (from Warner Bros. Pictures The Polar Express)
by Alan Silvestri and Glen Ballard
performed by Brooks Holmes
Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home? - Trumpet & Piano
by Hughie Cannon
performed by Jonathon Robbins
Bist du bei mir, Aria BWV 508 - Piano Accompaniment
by Johann Sebastian Bach and Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel
Bist du bei mir, BWV 508 - Trumpet & Piano: (You Are with Me)
by Johann Sebastian Bach and Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel
The Blackbird - Trumpet & Piano: (Die Amsel)
by James Hook
performed by Kristin Thielemann
Blue Waltz - Trumpet & Piano
by Eduard Putz
Boy with Luv - Trumpet & Piano
by Jung Ho-seok, Kim Nam Jun, Hyo Won Kang,
Michel Lindgren Schulz, Ashley Frangipane, Si-hyuk Bang,
Yoon Gi Min, Emily Weisband and Melanie Fontana
performed by Tomaz Nedoh
by Joseph Bodin de Boismortier
Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin - Trumpet & Piano WWV 75
by Richard Wagner
Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin - Trumpet & Piano
by Richard Wagner
Bright Phoebus - Trumpet & Piano: (Strahlende Sonne)
by James Hook
performed by Kristin Thielemann
Brunette - Trumpet & Piano
by Joseph Bodin de Boismortier
Burlesque - Trumpet & Piano: from Music book for Wolfgang
by Leopold Mozart
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023