Claire Cloninger Sheet Music
Style Index
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Breaking the Law of Love
Child of Bethlehem
Child of Bethlehem
Friend of a Wounded Heart
Friend of a Wounded Heart
Friend of a Wounded Heart
The Gift Goes on
He Never Sleeps
Here We Are
Holy Is He: with Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty
I Know Where I Stand
I Offer My Life
I Offer My Life
Jesus, Your Name
Jesus, Your Name (with All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name)
Light of a Million Mornings
Little Yeshua
Powerful Name
Sacrifice of Praise
They Could Not
They Could Not
We Give You Glory
You Are Emmanuel
Holy Is He: with Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty
Breaking the Law of Love
Child of Bethlehem
Friend of a Wounded Heart
Friend of a Wounded Heart
Friend of a Wounded Heart
The Gift Goes on
He Never Sleeps
Here We Are
Holy Is He: with Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty
I Know Where I Stand
I Offer My Life
I Offer My Life
Jesus, Your Name
Light of a Million Mornings
Little Yeshua
Powerful Name
Sacrifice of Praise
They Could Not
They Could Not
We Give You Glory
You Are Emmanuel
Child of Bethlehem
Child of Bethlehem
The Gift Goes on
Light of a Million Mornings
Light of a Million Mornings
Little Yeshua
You Are Emmanuel
Christmas - Religious
Child of Bethlehem
Child of Bethlehem
The Gift Goes on
Light of a Million Mornings
Little Yeshua
You Are Emmanuel
Contemporary Gospel
Friend of a Wounded Heart
I Offer My Life
Jesus, Your Name
Jesus, Your Name (with All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name)
Breaking the Law of Love
You Gave Me Love
Breaking the Law of Love
I Offer My Life
Jesus, Your Name
Jesus, Your Name (with All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name)
Light of a Million Mornings
Powerful Name
Holiday & Special Occasion
Child of Bethlehem
Child of Bethlehem
The Gift Goes on
Light of a Million Mornings
Light of a Million Mornings
Little Yeshua
You Are Emmanuel
Friend of a Wounded Heart
Friend of a Wounded Heart
Friend of a Wounded Heart
The Gift Goes on
Jesus, Your Name (with All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name)
They Could Not
Praise & Worship
Friend of a Wounded Heart
He Never Sleeps
Here We Are
I Offer My Life
I Offer My Life
Jesus, Your Name
Jesus, Your Name (with All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name)
Powerful Name
Sacrifice of Praise
They Could Not
We Give You Glory
You Gave Me Love
They Could Not
Breaking the Law of Love
Soft Rock
You Gave Me Love
Southern Gospel
Powerful Name
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023